First exhibition in advance of the launch of La Collective
March 21 – April 25, 2024
F O R M A exhibition center
Guest curator: Ilaria Conti
In advance of its future art and solidarity center La Collective, Thanks for Nothing presents its first international exhibition, which focuses on socially engaged practices related to Abya Yala, a Kuna term for Central and South America as a constellation of sovereign non-colonial spaces.
Free entry from Tuesday to Saturday, 10 am to 6 pm
127 Rue de Turenne, 75003 Paris
With Seba Calfuqueo, Carolina Caycedo, Colectivo Ayllu, Patricia Dominguez, Regina José Galindo, Sonia Gomes, Juliana Góngora, Jorge González Santos, iki yos piña narváez, Guadalupe Maravilla, Noé Martinez, Nomasmetaforas, Rangiñtulewfü, RojoNegro, Angélica Serech and Maria Sosa.
What is the impact ?
- Nearly 8,000 contacts from nonprofit organizations and cultural world: art market, institutions and VIPs
- Involvement of more than 500 partner schools and nonprofit organizations
- Nearly 1,300 visitors over the 26 days the exhibition was open
- More than 30 tailor-made tours
> Educational tours for schools designed to contribute to social progress in collaboration with the teaching profession,
> Educational visits for associations, designed to contribute to social progress in collaboration with organisations taking concrete action to defend human rights,
> Visits for professionals and VIPs from the world of culture, to continue dialogue and raise awareness among those involved.
Introduction of the exhibition “Resilient Currents: On Communal Re-Existence” in partnership with Beaux Arts Magazine
– Free guided tours open to all audiences
– Talk “L’Œil pense”, Tuesday, March 19, from 7 pm to 8 pm
With Ilaria Conti and Colectivo Ayllu and IESA art&culture
Maison de l’Amérique latine, 217 boulevard Saint-Germain, 75007 Paris
– Opening on Thursday, March 21, from 5 pm to 9 pm
– Performances “Thinking, Reading, Sharing, and Other Possible Verbs”, Thursday, April 4, from 6 pm to 9 pm
Curation by Noelia Portela, Founder and Director of Persona Curada
Performance #1 Catapora with Isadora Soares Belletti
Performance #2 Performative Reading: Muscular Confrontation for Repair with Fabiana Ex-Souza
F O R M A Exhibition Center, 127 Rue de Turenne, 75003 Paris
Free entry with rsvp
– Talk “The dream that reveals, creation and dream life for the peoples of Abya Yala”, Wednesday, April 24, at 7 pm
With Christina Chirouze Montenegro, Founder of MAZORCA
F O R M A Exhibition Center, 127 Rue de Turenne, 75003 Paris
Free entry with rsvp
In advance of the launch of La Collective
In 2024, Thanks for Nothing initiates the program of its future Art and Solidarity Center, scheduled to open in 2028 on the site of the former Hôpital Saint-Vincent-de-Paul. This ‘off-site’ program aims to showcase international socially engaged artistic practices.
The exhibition Resilient Currents: On Communal Re-Existence inaugurates this cycle, accompanied by a rich program of conferences, screenings, performances, and guided tours aimed at underserved audiences.
An exhibition on Abya Yala, curated by Ilaria Conti
Developed over the course of 3 years by independent curator Ilaria Conti, the exhibition highlights multidisciplinary practices linked to Abya Yala (a Kuna term for Central and South America as a constellation of sovereign non-colonial or decolonial spaces). The invited practices are committed to ethical forms of relation and epistemic justice—in one word, characterized by a commitment to the communal.
The exhibition explores the working methodologies employed by the presented artists who acknowledge the urgency of practicing political, social, affective, and spiritual forms of action as part of a network of ethical relationships. Rejecting the limits of colonial systems of knowledge, the artists honor the plurality of worlds that such a commitment to the notion of the communal generates.
The associated program
In conjunction with the exhibition, Thanks for Nothing developed a solidarity program in support of the nonprofit organization AQUAVERDE. Founded in 2002, AQUAVERDE focuses its efforts on projects carried by populations indigenous to the Amazon Rainforest in support of their preservation. This biodiversity treasure remains a key component of global climate regulation and constitutes, together with the Amazon River and its tributaries, a quarter of the planet’s freshwater reserves
A word from the curator
The exhibition embraces a methodological focus by highlighting artistic practices characterized by a commitment to the communal: a shared political agency and sensibility that, regardless of its being enacted individually or collectively, honors the interdependency that connects all beings and entities.
The artistic and activist practices invited recognize the urgency of practicing forms of political, social, affective, and spiritual agency as part of a network of ethical relations, and articulate pluriversal forms of knowing and sensing rooted in sentipensar (sensing-thinking or feeling-thinking). Rejecting the limits of colonial knowledge systems, the artists honor the plurality of worlds and the diverse systems of knowing, sensing, and sense-making that communal processes engender, thus practicing forms of resistance through re-existence, as envisioned by Afro-Colombian theorist and artist Adolfo Albán Achinte: “a form of life alter-active to the Eurocentric hegemonic project.”