Symposium and Educational visits
Art and Social Commitment Month 2024

Save the Date

From Monday, September 16th to Friday, October 11th, 2024

Symposium : Thursday, September 26th at the Auditorium of the musée du Louvre

Educational visits : from Monday, September 16th to Friday, October 11th

Le Mois Art et Engagement 2024

For the past 7 years, Thanks for Nothing has gathered leading personalities from the cultural and nonprofit worlds at the Auditorium of the musée du Louvre: artists, directors of institutions, founders of nonprofit organisations… for a day of discussions under the banner of art and commitment. The 2024 Symposium will address the theme of democracy.

The Symposium takes place during a month of educational tours of galleries and museums. A program of arts and solidarity events, free and accessible to all thanks to the support of 50 partners.