We Dream Under the Same Sky
September 2017
16 – 21 September 2017
Week of exhibitions and conferences at the Palais de Tokyo
September 27, 2017
Benefit Auction by Christie’s at Galerie Azzedine Alaïa
We Dream Under the Same Sky
September 2017
16 – 21 September 2017
Week of exhibitions and conferences at the Palais de Tokyo
September 27, 2017
Benefit Auction by Christie’s at Galerie Azzedine Alaïa
Thanks for Nothing’s first initiative was held in September 2017 under the name of WE DREAM UNDER THE SAME SKY.
This event to support refugees, created in collaboration with Chantal Crousel, Niklas Svennung and Julie Boukobza, was supported from the beginning by Maja Hoffmann and the Luma Foundation, François Pinault and Christie’s, Azzedine Alaïa and its Gallery, the Palais de Tokyo, Claudine Colin Communication Agency and BETC.
WE DREAM UNDER THE SAME SKY took the form of an exhibition and a cycle of conferences at the Palais de Tokyo, followed by an auction organized with Christie’s at the Azzedine Alaïa Gallery.
WE DREAM UNDER THE SAME SKY has allowed more than 5,000 people to take measure of the refugee crisis and raised more than 2 million euros for 5 associations that support and accompany refugees in Europe: Migreurop, Anafé, La Cimade, Primo Levi Center and THOT.
All the collected funds were donated to the 5 associations. The funds permitted:
- Increasing the mapping of the migratory policies in the EU and the denunciation
of the migrants’ deportation – MIGREUROP
Support for CIMADE actions in the field of awareness raising, learning French and coordinating activities on expulsions of foreigners - The implementation of actions for persons in difficulty at the borders by ANAFÉ and the defense of their rights
- The psychological and medical support of the victims of political torture exiled in France at CENTRE PRIMO LEVI
- The development of THOT, diploma school, and its actions on the learning of the French language to migrant people in France

© Rirkrit Tiravanija
What has been the impact of the project?
Migreurop was able to:
- Create 2 jobs
- Send 6 volunteers on the field
- Produce 5 field analysis publications contributing to the deciphering of migration policies
- Organize the Moving Beyond Borders exhibition in Paris
Anafé was able to:
- Accompany more than 2,000 people
- Create and sustain 3 jobs
- Winning the Human Rights Award in 2019
La Cimade was able to:
- Accompany more than 110,000 people
- Set up a permanence dedicated to women victims of violence and accompany more than 300 women
- Carry out more than 1,100 awareness-raising actions (including the Migrant’ Scène festival) and thus reach more than 35,000 people
Centre Primo Levi was able to:
- Increase by 25% the number of patients treated in the health center
- Conduct more than 5,700 consultations
- Develop 7 new professional training courses
- Organize awareness-raising events, including the two days of Primo Levi’s Hundredth Anniversary
Thot was able to:
- Train 200 students
- Fund 4 classes and an examination center
- Recruit 1 social worker