Les Cahiers Engagés
E.Leclerc x Fondation Engagement Médias

Since September 2022



E.Leclerc, in collaboration with Thanks for Nothing, launched the “Cahiers Engagés E.Leclerc” project in 2022, to support the Fondation Engagement Médias pour les Jeunes.

This solidarity initiative, which reflects the Foundation’s missions, aims to support equal opportunity, the fight against dropping out of school and the development of written and oral expression among young people.

On Fondation Engagement Médias pour les Jeunes‘ initiative, the profits from the sale of the “Cahiers Engagés” contribute to the financing of almost 40 nonprofit and projects in favor of young people aged 14-34 in fragile situations, that promote oral and written expression, eloquence and confidence teaching.

In 2022, Thanks for Nothing invited the artist Annette Messager, represented by Marian Goodman Gallery, to illustrate the first edition. She specially designed the original work La France Amoureuse.

In 2023, invited by the E.LECLERC group, it was the urban artist Seth, represented by KIRK Gallery, who took part in the exercise.

In 2024, the cover is illustrated by visual artist Chourouk Hriech represented by Anne-Sarah Bénichou Gallery. Her drawings both articulate and confront urban and everyday-life patterns, following with equanimity the crazy world’s race, like a desire of resistance and utopia. For the third edition of “Les Cahiers Engagés E.Leclerc”, she has imagined a character who carries a large pencil sketching the lines of a bird taking flight. He confidently contemplates the horizon. A deep meditation accentuated by a few words carefully chosen by the artist: “Vers l’horizon à tire-d’aile”.

“Les Cahiers Engagés” are on sale in all E.Leclerc supermarkets throughout France and overseas, so don’t hesitate to buy yours!

What is the impact of the project?

The “Cahiers Solidaires E.Leclerc” project in figures:
More than 450,000 notebooks designed by Annette Messager, produced and sold throughout France by E.LECLERC shops
More than 400,000 notebooks designed by the artist invited by the E.LECLERC group, Seth, produced and sold throughout France by E.LECLERC shops
More than €120,000 donated by the E.Leclerc Group to the Fondation Engagement Médias pour les Jeunes (Media Commitment Foundation for Young People) for the first edition.
More than €120,000 donated by the E.Leclerc Group to the Fondation Engagement Médias pour les Jeunes (Media Commitment Foundation for Young People) for the second edition.
26 concrete projects in the territory (Zone d’Expression Prioritaire, D-Clic, Chemins d’Avenirs, Energie Jeunes…) selected by the Fondation Engagement médias pour les Jeunes in 2022, which support more than 15,000 young people.